Bamboo meets Art

The magical art exhibition in the bamboo forest on Lake Constance

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Art event

June 15-16, 2024

In the beautiful ambience in the gardens of the bamboo forest of the Hofstetter Mühle in Heiligenberg, the event took place on June 15 and 16, 2024.
the fourth Bamboo Meets Art with paintings, sculptures and photography.

It was a recommendable exhibition with fascinating works of art by 26 magnificent artists.

Outstanding works of art by regional artists from the Lake Constance region, Baden-Württemberg and Switzerland found a new home.

The visitors were spoiled with delicacies and drinks from various providers.

Our children were allowed to paint and play in a safe area (our bamboo cafe) and were looked after.

Excellent musicians enchanted the ambience during the day with singing and guitar, saxophone music and other instruments.

On Saturday evening there was a live concert starting at 4.30 p.m.

There were about 1200 visitors on site over the weekend.

Thank you for your visit!

Successes of the last exhibitions

The art event has been very successful in recent years. Over 1,500 visitors came to enjoy the art, music and food over the weekend.

Many thanks to the many visitors who made the day magical and we look forward to June with many new exhibitors, a wonderful live concert and excellent food. Look forward to jazz music, saxophone interludes and workshops that will make the weekend something very special.

Workshops in the bamboo forest

In September 2024 we are again planning art workshops in the bamboo forest for beginners and advanced students. Feel free to register!

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