The flow of creating art


Read the original blog post here

“Floating into my creative world – this is the state I experience when I paint. The moment I start a painting, I am satisfied with the sketch and the color palette – when I have the feeling that the painting will be something special, I feel delighted. Place, time, hunger, thirst – everything becomes irrelevant. Then I don’t want to and can’t stop painting. Even if my stomach is growling or I know I have something urgent to do. I say to myself: “I’ll just paint this one more spot” … and I do it over and over again – it can go on for hours. That is very therapeutic. New pictures are created on themes that interest me, situations, journeys, landscapes, dreams … I often see my next picture in a dream. Everything in my creative world can become the inspiration for a new painting. I try to retain the freedom to choose my own motifs and love trying out new painting styles, techniques and formats rather than just following a tried and tested pattern. This results in many series, some of which have many differences. But that’s exactly what I love, variety and play, trying out new things. I used to travel a lot, now I paint the places I would like to be. I paint a bright future that is beautifully magical and makes me and others happy.”

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